Close to Heart

In many of our meetings we made a point of featuring some artists, from art giants to local artists whom we encountered at exhibits, travels or by accident. With some curiosity (but not surprise, as we sort of knew this already), we pondered the fact that most artists who achieved fame, created art schools and movements, and lasting imprints in the History of Arts were male.

From that point on, we decided to bring forward and feature female artists, particularly those who were ‘close to our hearts’. Another project was born and continues to evolve…

‘Close to Heart’ series is a collection of brief presentations that feature women artists whom we love, who influenced us, whom we encountered, or found inspirational.

Our initial idea to showcase these women has become a real project – building an ‘alternative, curious and OUR art history compilation of female artists’. Could this become an on-line book? We are not there yet, do not even have a name for it (‘Close to Heart’ comes to mind). However, we are determined to keep adding these short stories to our small library.

Women painting women
Nature of a Woman