Digital Drawing

Colors of the Music – Idea

With the excitement growing about our Friday gatherings, and with deepening friendship, the idea was born to create ‘something’ together – sort of a joint art piece that would reflect us as both a group and individuals.  Hmmm? 

If the times were normal, we would have likely gathered in someone’s big backyard or garage studio and poured a giant canvas together (two of these brought by Marina last summer are still awaiting that experiment).  But this group project had to be executed virtually, over Zoom.

…and this is where neuroscientists among us took the initiative.

It is not lightly said that it takes a neuroscientist – Kendal – for an art revolution – visit our Left Brain-Right Brain blog session on that subject. The explorations of how the brain reacts to music and forms music-color associations was the first step. Then, how our sensory and motor inputs mix and interact?

Turned out that every song has a color – and color associations triggered by the music are mediated by emotions – what a rich ground for our artistic explorations!  The idea was spawn!

If you are intrigued and wish to explore this in more depth, here are a couple of interesting links:

Every song has a color – and an emotion – attached to it (