Acrylic pouring


Acrylic pouring

Time, for humans, defines the beginning and the end. Everything transpires, inevitably. Although we are utterly obsessed with passage (and lack of) time, we rarely think about the concepts that define the time for us (animals mostly have no ‘sense’ of time).

There is nothing permanent; one would think that impermanence is the only constant, permanent. Or, perhaps, the exchange of atoms in endless cycles of disintegration and reforming into new planets, life forms, ever-changing realities is a permanent process? Is it just an illusion that our brains can grasp these depths of the universe? How do we ‘deal’ with time as a dimension of our existance, and that of the Universe?

Perhaps, coming to terms with impermanence is not up to our brains. It may be that images relate to the universe and our subconscious relation to it better than any rational effort possibly could. Mathematics and paintings together…An ancient archetypes and memories aroused by a flash of colors…

The unpredictable and expressive acrylic pouring images trigger ‘flash-backs’ all the way to the atomic chaos and primordial soups of our existence and impermanence. It is meditative and metaphysical not despite, but because of its unpredictability. It is impossible not to imagine alternative universes and ponder time and matter and our own atoms and cells as part of a bigger ‘whole’ when observing these paintings. An artistic and metaphysical journey into unknown…

Fluid acrylic paintings exploring transitory nature of everything

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