
Hollow Mind

Clay sculpture

We built the brain out of an air drying clay – nascent, empty of experience or emotion, devoid of identity and past – hollow in its emptiness.

Neurophysiologically and philosophically – it is doubtful that the brain is ever ’empty’ of experience. But this is the start of its life and evolution – a hollow mind.

Creating ‘Hollow mind’ was a struggle both conceptually and physically – need for abstracted (mind), yet recognizable shape (brain), the hollowness that allows for views of its inside and the intake of experiences from the outside. Bare, almost skull-like quality that will become alive with life. Suspended in the ‘circle of life’.

Air drying clay – white and light, bony in appearance, is not easy to work with – my eyes still itch from sanding and polishing its surface. The hollow, empty mind is suspended in the circle of life, ready to take in emotions and learnings, sorrows and existential trials of life, to store the memories of past and create visions of the future… becoming a unique, colorful, unexpected individual along the path.

The journey of inhabiting the hollow mind with life experiences, interactions with inner and outer worlds, is the one creating both identity and an incredible, almost incomprehensible diversity, a humanity.

Hollow mind will become enlightened with a perpetual carousel of images, absorbed and stored – faces and figures, traits, imprints, identities, and diversities – experiences as multifaceted as the brain itself.


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