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(Artistic) Boundaries

Mixed media

Mixed media is a blast!. I imagine that it emerged when an artist, exploring the core medium to (personal) limits, felt compelled to reach for another to break out of limiting boundaries…and, in doing so, oppened up limitless possibilities.

Today, there are no boundaries. Any combination of artistic media (and objects) is accepted and desirable – effects surprising, unpredictable, stimulating.

Then, we come to face our personal artistic boundaries. Being adventurous in resorting to media combos requires a certain artistic maturity – not so much in the technical skill as in the comfort with unknown. A freedom to try, experiment, get ‘unhinged’, throw everything onto your canvas ..and feel an uplifting sense of artistic freedom and personal satisfaction.

Our studio group attempts many different and unorthodox things. We are a pretty brave bunch, ready to challenge our personal boundaries (with some help from the peer pressure). Mixed media emerged spontaneously and inevitably – acrylics augmented with neurographics, alcohol inks meeting zentangles – who needs brushes anymore – fingertips, blows, tissues and sponges – boundaries challenged in so many ways. Don’t take me wrong, it is not entirely random – the ultimate goal of these techniques and materials is to achieve texture, organic, depth, dimension, boldness, all in the function of the artistic message.

Mixed media experiments from both our young and seasoned group members are encouraged, accepted and augmented by many mutual innovations. Take a look…

Neurographics-mixed media by Hung

Neurographics-mixed media by Sophie and Anna

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