
Pretty Little Things

Decoupage and Thanksgiving crafts

Workshop, Oct 2nd

With the fire going and fall leaves burning, we could not end our early fall workshop without making some ‘homey’ stuff. The blankets thrown around our shoulders, we excitedly browsed through the collection of donated paper napkins to pick favorites for decorating objects and gifts for the season of cozy indoors.

There is likely no child of my generatiom who did not collect paper napkins – I was mesmerized by dreamy patterns on napkins my parents brought back for me from their travels; imagining lives, wonderlands and magic in their folds, eager to exchange and jealously protective of my favorites.

What is it about ‘prettiness’ that captures our attention?

On a recent outing to Almonte galleries, I was drawn to an art installation that was as vivid reminiscence of childhood as our napkin session: a delicate small bowl of porcelain clay displayed on a rustic tall stool covered with layers of crocheted doilies; the title ‘Coffee with the grand aunt’ – and suddenly this pretty little creation became an evocative artistic experience.

In this fall workshop, heading into Thanksgiving, the remnants of our childhood memories and our traditions that we have so little time to encounter face-to-face, engulfed us with force. Here they were – delicate napkins with magic patterns layed out on the table, yearnings of our past and gratefulness for this precious moment exposed in front of us…We decoupaged these memories on shells, trays, boxes… and pumpkins. After a vivid and abstract acohol ink experience, a warmth of rusticity engulfed our pavillion, string lights flickering, rainy day retreating and delicious food served.

Here they are, pretty little things, our childhoods and thanks laid out, without hesitation…

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