Mixed media Monotype prints Sculpture


Mind filler story

Imprints impressed in our core come from an ancient past, origins of the species, as well as from more recent and vivid, ethnic and cultural histories.

What is it about this elusive memory of the collective past, ancient or historical, imprinted in our brains and reflexes that define us individually? Why is it that our blood boils and our feet spring into dance at the sound of traditional folk music, even though we are firmly convinced in our preference for jazz or pop? How is it that the experiences of our race or culture carry on through generations, despite prevailing global ‘non-cultural’ icons of our modern lives being relentlessly propagated through the omnipresent internet and media?

How do we grow to appreciate and accept and interact with this ‘historical’ diversity that, despite our belief that we all belong to a global humanity, in so many ways, defines what humanity truly is?. That each one of us is an unfathomable mix of imprints of both our DNA codes and experiences, individual, historical, and cultural?

Oh, Carousel, how are you going to tell us this story of the origins, of diversity, of humanity, of our hollow brain embracing its own incredible neurodiversity?


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